Treating You as an Equal

We approach our clients with an open mind and unbiased attitude. We respect everyone’s own personal history and accept that substance use or non-substance-related addictions may be a part of someone’s blueprint for life.

Dependence – a combination of many factors

Arud distances itself from the view that addiction is self-inflicted and quitting merely a question of willpower. Dependence can be compared to a chronic illness – because of its multi-layered and complex causes it often requires long-term treatment.

The aim: a better quality of life

Our aim is always to enable those who are affected to keep the risks to a minimum and to lead a self-determined life. Improving their physical, mental and social health – and therefore quality of life – is a big part of that.

A respectful collaboration

We do not have an educational attitude, we respect the decisions and views of our patients. In close collaboration with you, we will work out the treatment steps and will stand by you in an advisory capacity during all the stages. We explain the options available to you and assist you in finding a suitable way to achieve your chosen goals.

A learning process that takes time

To change one’s behaviour permanently takes time and usually more than one attempt. Setbacks and relapses are a natural part of the learning process – and no reason to be ashamed. We place particular emphasis on developing strategies for dealing with setbacks constructively.


Would you like to get in touch or do you have any questions regarding treatment? We are there for you, with straightforward and confidential help.

+41 58 360 50 00
You can contact us from Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.

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