Research in Practice

We stand for an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment. Thanks to our research projects and publications, we are able to constantly evaluate, further develop and expand our services, always aiming to improve the physical, mental and social wellbeing as well as the general quality of life of people with addictive disorders.

Our independent, interdisciplinary and practice-oriented research focuses on reducing the harm of legal and illegal substances as well as any questions associated with internal medicine, infectiology (hepatitis, HIV) and psychiatry. In addition to our own projects, we take part in national and international joint research programmes.

Publications and Articles

You can find our publications and articles on Arud's Researchgate account.

Current Projects

Hepatitis B and D prevalence and screening improvement in Arud, centre for addiction medicine and harm reduction in Zurich


The Hepatitis B and D coinfection Study uses Arud clinic data examine the proportion of clients who have active Hepatitis B and are coinfected with Hepatitis D.

The proportion of clients with active hepatitis B and hepatitis D infection important information about the quality of the care system, as the goal of all care must be to prevent Hepatitis B infection through vaccination, diagnose those who have active Hepatitis B infection and Hepatitis D coinfection early and provide them with therapy before long-term damage occurs.

The Hepatitis B/D coinfection study is led by Dr. Claudia Bernardini and financed with a research grant from Gilead.

Hepatitis C Test-Häufigkeiten und Positivraten in der Schweiz im zeitlichen Verlauf 2007-2017


In dieser Dissertation wurde zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz die Entwicklung der durchgeführten Hepatitis C-Screeningtests und der Anzahl positiver Resultate dieser Tests über einen längeren Zeitraum untersucht.

Im Zeitraum von 2007 bis 2017 hat die Zahl der durchgeführten HCV Antikörpertests deutlich mehr zugenommen als die Anzahl dieser Tests, die positiv ausfielen. Die Positivitätsrate sank entsprechend in diesem Zeitraum.
Die Autoren empfehlen die jährliche Erhebung dieser Werte auf nationaler Ebene im Sinne einer Surveillance im Rahmen der Eliminationsbestrebungen des nationalen Programms NAPS.



The project aims to create a network of specialist doctors and organisations working with people who use drugs, and to use this common platform to improve interdisciplinary health care for substance users, including preventive measures.

The SAMMSU cohort is an open cohort study, which aims to collect representative data of people in opioid substitution therapy in facilities that offer integrated physical health care in the German, French and Italian parts of Switzerland. The collection of longitudinal data is carried out on an annual basis: a number of sociodemographic and medical data are being collected initially and after every twelve months, such as information on drug use, risk behaviours, comorbidities, medications, vaccinations and lab results (e-CRF). A standard analysis includes regular description of the sample. For the analysis of a specific project, the full data set can be requested.

Project management

Dr Alberto Moriggia, (President), Epatocentro Ticino & Ingrado Centro per Le Dipendenze, Lugano

Project management Arud

Philip Bruggmann, PD Dr. med., Head of General Internal Medicine at Arud

In collaboration with

Arud Centre for Addiction Medicine

Funded by
May 2011 – today



The project aims to create a network of specialist doctors and organisations working with people who use drugs, and to use this common platform to improve interdisciplinary health care for substance users, including preventive measures.

The SAMMSU cohort is an open cohort study, which aims to collect representative data of people in opioid substitution therapy in facilities that offer integrated physical health care in the German, French and Italian parts of Switzerland. The collection of longitudinal data is carried out on an annual basis: a number of sociodemographic and medical data are being collected initially and after every twelve months, such as information on drug use, risk behaviours, comorbidities, medications, vaccinations and lab results (e-CRF). A standard analysis includes regular description of the sample. For the analysis of a specific project, the full data set can be requested.

Project management

Dr Alberto Moriggia, (President), Epatocentro Ticino & Ingrado Centro per Le Dipendenze, Lugano

Project management Arud

Philip Bruggmann, PD Dr. med., Head of General Internal Medicine at Arud

In collaboration with

Arud Centre for Addiction Medicine

Funded by
May 2011 – today



In der heroingestützten Behandlung gibt es in der Schweiz zurzeit die Möglichkeit, Diaphin® zum Spritzen und als Tablette einzunehmen. Neu wird die nasale Einnahme in einigen Behandlungszentren der Schweiz als „off-label“-Behandlung angeboten.

In dieser multizentrischen Studie wird untersucht, welcher Anteil an Patienten langfristig in dieser Behandlungsform bleibt, wie sich Dosierungen, Substanzkonsum und Gesundheit entwickeln und wie die Einschätzung dieser Behandlungsform durch die Patient:innen ist.

Daher werden Patient:innen, die nasales Diaphin® erhalten, über 3 Jahre insgesamt 5-mal zu ihren Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen befragt. Darüber hinaus werden Informationen zu den bisher verordneten Anwendungen von Diaphin® aus dem Patientendossier analysiert.

DAM-Take-Home Psy und ProDAM


In der Heroin gestützten Behandlung (HeGeBe) sind, seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie, erweiterte Diaphin© (DAM) Mitgaben bis zu einer Woche erlaubt.

Wir möchten herausfinden, welche Auswirkungen die verlängerten Mitgaben haben, und wie zufrieden die Patienten insgesamt damit sind.

DAM Take-Home Psy: Wiederholte Telefonische Befragungen von Patient:innen der Arud und in anderen HeGeBe-Zentren. Die Daten werden nur anonym und unabhängig von der Krankenakte gespeichert.
ProDAM: Retrospektive Analyse von Daten aus der elektronischer Krankengeschichte

SwissPrEPared Projekt zur HIV-Prä-Expositions-Prophylaxe


Checkpoint Zürich und die Arud beteiligen sich am schweizweiten, multizentrischen Projekt SwissPrEPared. Das Ziel ist, Menschen mit einem erhöhten HIV-Risiko möglichst gut zu betreuen und neue HIV-Infektionen zu verhindern.
Um das zu erreichen besteht SwissPrEPared aus zwei sich ergänzenden Teilen: Zum einen handelt es sich um ein Programm, welches die Qualität bei der Beratung durch Ärztinnen und andere Gesundheitsexpertinnen verbessern soll. Zum anderen handelt es sich um eine Studie mit dem Ziel, wichtige Fragen zur PrEP – ein Medikament, das richtig eingenommen sehr wirksam vor einer Infektion mit dem HI-Virus schützt – und weiteren relevanten Gesundheitsthemen wissenschaftlich zu beantworten.

SwissPrEPared wird daher von Experten aus der Praxis, der Community und aus der Wissenschaft begleitet.



The project aims to create a network of specialist doctors and organisations working with people who use drugs, and to use this common platform to improve interdisciplinary health care for substance users, including preventive measures.

The SAMMSU cohort is an open cohort study, which aims to collect representative data of people in opioid substitution therapy in facilities that offer integrated physical health care in the German, French and Italian parts of Switzerland. The collection of longitudinal data is carried out on an annual basis: a number of sociodemographic and medical data are being collected initially and after every twelve months, such as information on drug use, risk behaviours, comorbidities, medications, vaccinations and lab results (e-CRF). A standard analysis includes regular description of the sample. For the analysis of a specific project, the full data set can be requested.

Project management

Dr Alberto Moriggia, (President), Epatocentro Ticino & Ingrado Centro per Le Dipendenze, Lugano

Project management Arud

Philip Bruggmann, PD Dr. med., Head of General Internal Medicine at Arud

In collaboration with

Arud Centre for Addiction Medicine

Funded by
May 2011 – today

Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS)


The Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) is a systematic longitudinal study to record HIV-infected people in Switzerland. It is a collaboration of the outpatient clinics for infectious diseases of all Swiss university hospitals and two big cantonal hospitals, all connected to laboratories, and a number of associated smaller hospitals and private doctors who treat HIV patients.

The SHCS sample is representative for the Swiss HIV epidemic. Its main objectives are to guarantee the best patient care, to reduce HIV transmissions and to conduct research projects on HIV treatment, pathogenesis, co-infections, immunology and virus-host interactions.

Project management

Huldrych Günthard, Prof. Dr. med. (President), Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zurich

Project management Arud

Philip Bruggmann, PD Dr. med., Head of General Internal Medicine

In collaboration with

Arud Centre for Addiction Medicine

Funded by

Swiss Science National Foundation

1988 – today