
Arud is one of the leading addiction medicine institutions in Switzerland. It was founded in 1991 by committed physicians and addiction specialists as a non-profit association to provide a medical response to the closure of the open drug scenes. As a non-profit organization, the pursuit of profit is not our motivation; any surplus funds flow exclusively into securing and further developing our services.

Over the course of time, Arud has undergone enormous changes and has constantly developed and adapted its services to new circumstances. At its two addiction medicine locations in Zurich, Arud offers comprehensive, outpatient, integrated care. The close and interdisciplinary cooperation between the areas of psychiatry/psychotherapy, general medicine/infectious diseases and social work guarantees optimal, customized care for our patients.

In 2005, Arud opened Checkpoint Zurich, a medical health center for men who have sex with men, trans people and other queer people, next to the main train station in collaboration with the Zürcher Aidshilfe (ZAH) - now called Sexual Health Zurich (SeGZ). Checkpoint Zurich offers consultations, advice and treatment for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Arud is responsible for the medical care.

Checkpoint Zurich operates its own website at

Arud is also involved in the education of medical students at the University of Zurich, is an FMH-recognized training center for future specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy as well as general internal medicine, and is a practice training organization for future social workers. It also runs its own research department.


Barbara Koller


Eidg. dipl. Apothekerin

Barbara Gysi

Vorstand – Präsidium

Nationalrätin (SP)

Melanie Kreis


Eidg. dipl. Wirtschaftsprüferin

Urs Hepp


Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie FMH

Oliver Senn


Facharzt Innere Medizin
