We meet you at eye level

«Our goal is to build a bridge between Arud and the patients. We want to share prevention knowledge in a way that is appropriate to the person's needs, and we support people with our experience,advice and support.»

Peer workers are people who have personal experience with addiction and recovery and use this valuable experience to support others with their expertise. To this end, peer workers have received appropriate training in medical and psychological areas and are firmly anchored in Arud's services with their part-time employment.

This is what the peer workers offer

  • Open exchange with those affected, who know the circumstances of those affected by addiction
  • Support in keeping appointments
  • Support during treatment
  • Representation of interests

Meetings with the peers

Meetings are held on request, for an appointment please contact us via email: peers@arud.ch or by phone 058 360 51 81.

Services and projects

Hepatitis C


Our Peers perform free hepatitis C rapid tests at various locations: No blood sample is needed, just a swab of the oral mucosa.

The result is available after 20 minutes.
Patients with a positive result are advised, supported and, whenever possible, promptly referred for further clarification or treatment.

Please contact us here: peers@arud.ch or by phone 058 360 51 81 for an appointment.

Please do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before the test and do not use chewing gum or dental hygiene products!

Dental Medicine


Dangerous pathogens can enter our bodies through diseased teeth and cause serious illnesses. For this reason, the peers have developed a dental care kit for substance users, which they give to those concerned. At the same time, they are conducting a survey to find out the sensitivities of the respondents and to adjust their work accordingly.

Arud Peers support people who use substances around the topic of dental health.

Peer Offer Dentistry:

  • Handing out dental care kits
  • Discussion of dental problems and possible further steps for help
  • Accompaniment to dentist appointments
  • Accompaniment to appointments at the social welfare office

Please contact peers@arud.ch or tel. 058 360 51 81 for an appointment.

Further support services:

  • Dental consultation hours at the Kanonengasse Outpatient Clinic.
    Kanonengasse 18, 8004 Zurich (between Kaserne and Langstrasse) Tel. 044 415 76 01.

    Opening hours:
    Monday to Wednesday and Friday 9-12.30 and 13-15 hrs.

  • Dental assistance for the destitute, social welfare and IV recipients
    University Hospital Centre for Dentistry
    Plattenstrasse 11 8032 Zurich
    Tel. 044 634 33 11
    Opening hours:
    Monday to Friday 7.30-10 a.m. Patient admission is open without an appointment or a doctor's referral.

Sexual health


Arud offers sexul health check-ups. The offer includes medical examination and treatment of:

  • Female hormone disorders
  • Cancer swab
  • Genital symptoms
  • Information on contraception and pregnancy
  • HPV vaccination
  • Male hormonal disorders
  • Erectile dysfunction / loss of libido

Peer support

  • Discreet support in finding a suitable help offer
  • Accompaniment to appointments

    Please contact peers@arud.ch or phone 058 360 51 81 for an appointmen

Narcotics Anonymous


The peer offer for people who want to live a life without substances:

Narcotics Anonymous is for anyone who has a desire to live without mind-altering drugs. The meetings provide a safe space to talk openly with other affected individuals about the bad experiences they have had with substances and to process them.

NA self-help groups help people find a stable network of relationships and provide support at moments when the desire for drugs seems to become unmanageable. When those affected help each other, the therapeutic benefits are great and recovery is possible.

If you wish, the peers will be happy to accompany you to this meeting the first few times and offer support.

Every Monday between 6.30 and 7.30 pm there is a meeting of NA in the Arud Auditorium. Admission is at 6 p.m. at the Schützengasse 31 entrance.

Aurd Center for Addiction Medicine, Schützengasse 31, 8001 Zurich, in the auditorium.

Insight into peer work at Arud

«We know how it feels when the craving kicks in. We know how bad it feels when you have once again failed to keep your resolution.»

«We also have or had nothing else to think about but the next hit. We have experienced how hard it is to bring consumption back under control or to give it up completely.

We can tell you how we try to deal with the addiction. We are or were in the same situation as you. We can support and accompany you on your way with our experience, and possibly also take something away from your experiences for us. To make sure you have a competent contact person, we have undergone extensive training.»
(Anton Kohler, Arud peer worker)

The Peer Team
Tania Schöpf, Andrea Mutti, Christine Pamela Erni, Andreas Hüttenmoser, Anton Kohler (SHCV), Martin Luck und Oliver Wehrli (SHCV) look forward to hearing from you.


Would you like to get to know us or do you have any questions about treatment? We are here for you, uncomplicated and confidential.

Via e-mail: peers@arud.ch or by phone at 058 360 51 81.
