E-vaporisers help you stop smoking, but not necessarily stop smoking nicotine
Quit smoking? A wish that is difficult to realise for many smokers. There are various approaches that can help. One of them is to use e-vaporisers.
The University of Bern led the world's largest study on smoking cessation with e-vaporisers. Arud was one of the study centres.
The results are exciting and promising:
By using e-vaporisers, smokers can reduce the risk of tobacco-related diseases until they later decide to give up nicotine altogether. Adequate professional support is important here.
The study also shows that of the smokers who were successful in quitting tobacco cigarettes, many participants stayed with vaping and thus with nicotine. This shows the urgency of also regulating e-vapers sufficiently by law.
E-vapers are not risk-free. Even though e-vapers release significantly fewer toxic substances than tobacco cigarettes, they still release carcinogenic substances and nicotine can lead to addictive behaviour, especially among young people.
ESTxENDS-Studie, Management: University of Bern in cooperation with Arud as study centre.