For an open exchange on addiction issues
The handling of addictive substances should be based on scientific findings – that is what we are committed to! With our expertise we want to contribute to an informed dialogue with the public.
We are happy to answer media questions, provide information on addiction-specific issues and make our experts available to you as dialogue partners.
Arud in the media
Blick |
17. September 2023
| Drug policy
Neue offene Drogenszenen «Konsumenten brauchen geschützte Räume mit adäquater Betreuung»
Thilo Beck, Psychiater und Co-Chefarzt des Arud Zentrum für Suchtmedizin in Zürich. Er plädiert für zusätzliche Konsumräume, um den wachsenden offenen Drogenszenen der Schweiz zu begegnen.