Interdisciplinary care for users of anabolic agents in recreational sports in Switzerland – a first clinic has opened in Zurich
Arud offers holistic and specialised medical care for recreational anabolic steroid users. The knowledge gained is used for further research and development.
Interdisciplinary care for users of anabolic agents in recreational sports in Switzerland – a first clinic has opened in Zurich
Arud offers holistic and specialised medical care for recreational anabolic steroid users. The knowledge gained is used for further research and development.
Interdisciplinary care for users of anabolic agents in recreational sports in Switzerland – a first clinic has opened in Zurich
Arud offers holistic and specialised medical care for recreational anabolic steroid users. The knowledge gained is used for further research and development.
Interdisciplinary care for users of anabolic agents in recreational sports in Switzerland – a first clinic has opened in Zurich
Arud offers holistic and specialised medical care for recreational anabolic steroid users. The knowledge gained is used for further research and development.
Anabolikakonsum im Freizeitsport immer verbreiteter
Die Aufklärung zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ist ungenügend, die Folgen sind oft schwerwiegend und komplex. Die Arud bietet medizinische Versorgung um der zunehmenden Anzahl Patient:innen zu begegnen.
- Addiction in old age,
- Addiction Medicine,
- Alkohol,
- Anabolika,
- Anniversary,
- Annual report,
- Arud,
- Blog,
- Cannabis,
- Chemsex,
- Cocaine,
- COVID-19,
- Crystal Meth,
- Drug policy,
- Drug policy,
- E-Zigaretten,
- Event,
- Family medicine,
- Fentanyl,
- Forschung,
- Freitagsfragen,
- Further training,
- Handykonsum,
- Handysucht,
- Hepatitis C,
- Hepnet,
- Heroin,
- HHC,
- HIV,
- Internal Medicine,
- Ketamine,
- Microdosing,
- Mischkonsum,
- Nikotin,
- OAT,
- Opioide,
- Partydrogen,
- Peerwork,
- Platzspitz,
- Prävention,
- Pregabalin,
- Prescription drugs,
- Psychedelika,
- Rausch,
- Rückfall,
- Schadensminderung,
- Sozialarbeit,
- Spenden,
- Spielsucht,
- Studie,
- Sucht,
- Tabak,
- Therapie
Media title
- 20 Minuten,
- 3sat,
- Aargauer Zeitung,
- Argovia Today,
- Argovia Today,
- Ars Medici,
- bajour,
- Baseljetzt,
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- infodrog,
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- myHealth,
- NZZ,
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- NZZ Format,
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- pharmaJournal,
- Pipette Swiss Laboratory Medicine,
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- Republik,
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- Schweizerische Ärztezeitung,
- sems-journal,
- SonntagsZeitung,
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- srf,
- SRF 1,
- STAT Reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine,
- Südostschweiz,
- Swiss Aids News,
- swissinfo,
- Tagblatt,
- Tagblatt Stadt Zürich,
- Tagesanzeiger,
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- Tele Z,
- TeleZüri,
- Tsüri,
- Urner Zeitung,
- Velojournal,
- watson,
- Winterthurer Woche,
- WOZ,
- Zeitpunkt,
- zentralplus,
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- Zürcher Studierendenzeitung,
- Zürcher Unterländer,
- Züri Today,
- Zürich West,
- Zürichsee-Zeitung,
- züriost